SAFETY is one of the CORE values of Vance & Associates, Inc. and our first priority. Our company is committed to the safety of our employees and constantly aware of our responsibilities to our co-workers, our customers and the general public.V&A safety history has demonstrated the more aligned our employees,subcontractors and partners are with our safety ideal, the safer the project and more successful the project outcome.
Policies, Standards and Guidelines

Vance & Associates, Inc. works in compliance with all OSHA, DOT, and EPA guidelines. Our safety training begins with our employees their first day of work. We do not allow anyone on the job until they have completed our safety policy and procedure program and one of our Supervisors feels confident that the new employee is competent in the safety policy and procedures as well as our HSE manual.
No Employee is allowed to perform a job that they are not qualified for. All employees will receive in house training, OSHA 30 hour, and Operator Qualified Training.
We continue the education and refresher education of our employees and subcontractors at least annually and /or as needed as we recognize the changes within our industry and respond by the proper training needed. We document all training for each employee and subcontractor and keep on file.
Living Injury Free Every Day

Vance & Associates, Inc. strives to make everyday an INJURY FREE DAY. Our crews supervisor holds a daily tailgate safety meeting on every job every day that is documented to communicate to the entire crew onsite potential safety issues. We also prepare Site, Safety, Health, Environmental, Plans for job sites that have all necessary emergency information ( contacts, hospital directions, SDS, certifications, etc). It is our job to make sure our employees are trained properly and have the tools to perform their job safely.

Registered with ISN
Registered with Avetta formally PICS
Member NCCER
On staff Master Trainer
On staff Craft Trainers
Assessment Center Administrator .​​
Registered with NCMS
Clockspring Trainer on Staff